


Editing – is proofreading and conforming the already written text to definite parameters.
As a rule, editing may combine various types of different complexity. A professional editor shall have a large word stock and handle perfectly stylistic and linguistic means. There is no self-respecting editorial office, which would publish its materials without any prior editing thereof, removing linguistic and stylistic asperities from the initial text.
At the translation company “AFIM” you can order the following types of editing:

• Translation editing
• Translation proofreading and expertise
• Working up a manuscript for publication, preparing an authorship work.

Translation editing – represents correction of the text translated by you or by other persons. Translation editing is frequently required, when this translation shall be subject to notary certification. The translator endorsing by signature the document is thereby responsible for translation conformance and quality. Therefore such translator must check the text translated by a third person, correcting errors and discrepancies therein.

If you would like to ascertain the competence of your employees or to check the quality of translation services rendered by your agents, the translation company “AFIM” is always at your disposal. We employ licensed translators having a large work experience, who will assist you with proofreading and expertise of a written translation.

Quality and creative approach – these are two essential mottoes of the literary department in the translation company “AFIM”. Our specialists will assist you in preparing for publication a manuscript or authorship work. We remove all and any faults, slips, stylistic asperities and other irregularities in the literary text, adapting it to the target audience. However, we always try to collaborate with the author of the work in order to keep its stylistic individuality and singularity, as well as emotional connotation thereof, to help the author in bringing its thoughts to the reader in the most comprehensive manner, so that the later could perceive them with non diminishing interest and encounter no difficulties in the process of reading.

The translation company “AFIM” handles, as strongly as other issues, literary processing and stylistic editing of various texts. We undertake all and any types of literary processing, from the readers’ letters, addressed to the editorial office to volumetric literary works. The specialists of our literary department will help you with reading-editing, i.e. unification of notes, abbreviations, correction of committed errors, as well as will help you to reduce the text, if necessary, without prejudice to its content (editing-reduction). Our employees will also help you to process the text and to prepare it for printing and, if necessary, to alter the already written work, taking into account your desires and wishes.

Editing the formatted text – one of the new services offered by the translation company “AFIM”. The specialists of our typesetting and design department will help you to make a qualitative editing and correct all and any faults in the formatted text and, if necessary, to modify the design, color gamma and content of your product.

If you address to the translation company “AFIM” you will be surprised to see our new approach and quality of our services. We work to provide success to your works and products. If you appreciate quality in everything – then you have made the right choice.